Search Rental Vendors Screen

Use this screen to enter search rental car vendors using the search criteria entered in the Vendor Name field.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Vendor Name Enter part or all of the vendor name, address, or phone number in this field.
Search Select this option to search for vendors that match the search criteria.
Rental Company The rental company name is displayed in this field. Select the column label to sort the search results by rental company name in this grid.
Address Select the column label to sort the search results by rental company name in this grid.
Phone Number Select the column label to sort the search results by rental company name in this grid.
OK Select the vendor from the search results, and then select OK. The selected vendor information is displayed in the Rental tab.
Cancel This option closes the Search Rental Vendors screen without selecting a vendor.


Workfile - Rental Tab

See Also

Setting Up a Connection to a Car Rental Company







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